Saturday, March 10, 2012


This is my first job.I would like to make a great impression on my boss.

I have two questions: ((Plz help)

1--- I heard that a person is able to search all the companies and places that the hotel are advertised at just by entering in a hotel's phone number on ( explanation: companies that the hotel is giving discounts to. Places that are advertizeed is when a hotel is listed as the preffered hotel for that event .)) When I tried it, it didnt work. Does anyone know anything about that method or something different that should get the same results???

2--- Is there a such website that can list all the events that are occuring around the area for that year?? ( ex- like you can look up all the open jobs around the area. can I look up events around the area by entering the zip code?) Or something similar to that.

I really need help plz help meee

tell me if anyone is confused on my question.DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO INCREASE A HOTEL'S REVENUE?
Look for night clubs, all-nighter dance clubs or promote them yourself and make a deal with the club owners, offer a good deal especially since a lot of people can't drive when their just to drunk have the club offer, their guest some type of after hour safe get-away haven, somewhere where the club owners keep their guest safe and sober , and the club can give them some type of deal like half price door entrances for their next visit to the club , and that;s where you might be able to negotiate a fair price also , I'm not all that familiar with hotel businesses but it's an idea that just came to me when i red your question, so good luck!

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