Saturday, March 10, 2012

What do you do when a major Corp. gives a stranger off the street all of your information?

I have been with Sprint and then T-Mobile, this person tried every which way to get my acct info from them and could not get around it without the last 4 digits of my SS#.

Well now I'm with a new major carrier and there are 3 lines on my acct.

A family member was using one of the phones to talk to this girl who is in ANOTHER COUNTRY, she doesn't know my name or address or even what city I live in, she only knew the state I'm in (because of the phones area code).

Well she calls them up and without so much as my name, only going by the one phone # she had, she manages to get a rep who gave her not only my name (full name), physical address, home ph# my cell acct. number... and all phone numbers listed on the acct ...and worst of all they gave her my Social Security # and not only all that but let her claim herself as a authorized representative on my acct...I was seething when she called up and not only told where she got all this information but that the companies rep had freely given her my whole identity!!!.

I've tried looking up any such case as this but I can't find any kind of cases on the net. I'd like to speak to a lawyer about what's happened here.

I'm sure with the cell phone companies issues with the wire tapping this would be a field day in the media.

I was just hoping for some suggestions on who I should contact when big major Co's give out your info to any stranger calling up armed with ONLY a telephone number to get all your identification information.What do you do when a major Corp. gives a stranger off the street all of your information?
Send a mail to their CEO -- that always get their attention. This is a very serious matter, and I'm sorry this happened to you

Unfortunately, one of the easiest ways identity thieves do to steal information is by posing as a creditor, landlord, employer or even you to get a copy of your credit report or access to your personal information from other confidential sources. There are many cases of identity theft because someone called a company and the company freely gave the information to the impostor

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