Sunday, March 4, 2012

Is this some normal reaction for parents?


So, I keep getting phone calls from a number that I don't know. So, I don't answer it. It's a number from one of the areas that I have an aunt in. The thing is the area code is such a wide reaching area and I looked up the number and it's not even the town my aunt lives in. But, this number has called me 37 times in around a 2 wk time span. My dad told me not to answer it because he doesn't know anyone in that town and he doesn't think it's my aunt's number. My mom keeps telling me to answer it because my aunt only wants to talk to me and I am being rude not answering it. This aunt is my dad's sister and he doesn't think the number is right.

I don't understand why my mom isn't being protective of me at all. Here this person is harassing me (whether it's my aunt or not, I don't want to talk to them) and I told my mom I didn't want them to call me and I told her I don't know this number. And she doesn't care. This is not the first time my mom has had this "I don't care" attitude. When I was 12, I had a cousin of my mom's sister touch me inappropriately, and I ended up telling my mom--it was a while after it happened, but I did tell her and her reaction was "what do you want me to do about it? Do you want me to talk to my sister about it" and she did not seem like she cared nor wanted to talk to her sister about it, so I was like "no".

I am just tired of my mom having this I don't care attitude. I thought parents were supposed to protect their kids...Am I just reading too much into this and is this a normal reaction that parents have?Is this some normal reaction for parents?
hang up phone calls are usually a sign of an affair.

hmm, my bad, I assumed you were a kid and it was one of your parents who were cheating. I should not of assumed.Is this some normal reaction for parents?
lol You are really blowing this up. Just answer the phone. If you don't know who it is how do you know that you don't want to talk to them. What if someone is dead or hurt and someone is trying to get a hold of you to let you know. Grow up and stop blaming your mom and answer the phoneIs this some normal reaction for parents?
That fact that she told you to answer the phone call does not show, in any way, shape or form, that she doesn't care about you. That is just silliness.

Answer the phone, if it's your aunt then apologize to her for ignoring her call 37 times. If it's not, chances are it's telemarketing, tell them you are not interested and to take your number off the list.

And shouldn't your dad know his sisters number?? Do you not have it in a phone book that you can compare it too??
There's an easy solution. Block the number. I did have this old lady calling us for a while. We answered the phone the first few times and told her it was the wrong number. She kept calling back for like 2 weeks, leaving messages on the answering machine for her grandkids (even though it had our name on the answering machine). I guess someone finally stopped her because the calls stopped. I would answer, find out who it is, and if it's the wrong number then tell them so. If it's your crazy aunt, well just block the number. They won't ever know. They'll just think you are ignoring them, which they should already know at this point. As for your mom being unconcerned with your safety, I don't believe this is a safety issue and I would probably have told you to answer the phone too. If you had wanted her to do something about the cousin, you should have been honest with her. Maybe she didn't realise how serious it was. You can still tell her know and let her know how it affected you.

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