Sunday, March 4, 2012

How do you pick a custom phone number?

I want to pick a custom phone number with my LOCAL AREA CODE (not toll free). I know this number that I want is available, I even had it looked up. Time Warner is supposed to own it, but when I called them they said their system only randomly assigned it.

HOW DO I BUY A VANITY PHONE NUMBER THAT I PICK ALL 10 DIGITS?How do you pick a custom phone number?
Ask to speak to a supervisor when you're told that. If the supervisor won;t help you, ask to speak to THEIR supervisor. Etc. Be prepared to find out that TW just isn't set up to give you a vanity number - it's possible.How do you pick a custom phone number?
Check this blog post for tips on how to choose a 1800 vanity numbers:

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How do you pick a custom phone number?
just call and speak with your phone providers and speak with customer care and tell then the service u wish to request and they can take it from there
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