Sunday, March 4, 2012

Is it possible for cellphones to cross frequencies?

I called a friend of mine, at the correct number, area code included, twice from a cellphone and once from a landline. He uses verizon as his carrier, but when the phone rang, it gave the standard nextel out-of-service-range spiel. I thought that odd, even more so when the answering service picked up with a landscaping company. This happened the first two times. The third time, someone from the landscaping company answered. Now here's the kicker: my friend called me back telling me he'd recieved two of the calls. He was at work, which is a police station, at the time. Could it be that something in the station, perhaps the radios, interrupted the frequency? But that still wouldn't explain how I ended up calling a landscaping company with his number.

I looked up all the landscaping companies by that name in my state, and not only are none of the numbers even remotely alike, they all have different area codes.

None of this makes sense. Maybe someone can offer some clarity?Is it possible for cellphones to cross frequencies?
Something like this has happened before to me. I was talking on my house phone to my friend's house phone at about 6 o'clock one evening. All the sudden, we could hear two other peoples' voices talking. We said "hello?" and there was confusion and we didn't really talk all that much. Then they disappeared from our hearing. I guess they crossed over our frequency and then randomly crossed back out. It was pretty funny. I have no idea who they were or where they were, but we could hear them as if they were on the phone with us (although their clarity came in and out). Maybe this is what happened to you.
not really but maybe in a chance of 1 to 999Is it possible for cellphones to cross frequencies?
yes it is possible. the frequencies can be mixed up and u may end up calling another person.
Strange Things Do Happen???Is it possible for cellphones to cross frequencies?
Wow!! Weird!! lol
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