Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Question about a guy? Mixed signals? IDK?! Help pleaseeeeeeeee...?

Okay, so like the beginning of summer I joined the ASU class of 2012 group on facebook and I think I posted some random question on the group's wall. All of the sudden random ppl from the group would just friend request me, and me wanting to make friends at my future school (since I'm coming from out of state and all), I'd accept them. So anyways, there's this one guy, we'll name him Phil. So after I accepted his friend request he wrote on my Wall and was like "hey what are you majoring in?" blah blah blah stupid sh!t like that, which was okay b/c other ppl did that too. So I was like okay, and we talked a couple of times and that was it. Then later I received a notification that he had made a comment on a video i made with two friend for a calc project and he was like "hahaha that was funny" or something stupid like that. I didn't say anything. Then, like a month or two later, liek late July, I was online and he was too and he messaged me. And we talked for like an hour and stuff, joking about gay stuff b/c at the time I wasn't really out or anything but anyways yeah he told me he was gay and I told him I was too... and yeah it was cool and stuff. So this happened like at least four different times, and then one night I was talking on my phone with my best friend and I receive a text message from a number I dont recognize that was like "hi". so i looked up the area code online and saw it was from Arizona, which is where he's from, so I asked him some personal bullsh!t question that he told me when we were talking on facebook. ANYWAYS the main thing we talked about was my lame lame lame roommate, b/c I couldn't find his profile on facebook and "Phil" found it for me, so we were like "oh he's such a creep" blah blah blah and then like that night he texted me I was like "dude that's kind of creepy that you just texted me" because I didn't realize that I had put my number on my Facebook profile, but anyways it's still weird right? and then texts back "I can be creepy if you like" and I was like WTF?! but I just texted back "idk what that means" so nothing crazy went on. so he texted me a couple more times, but nothing too friendly. then, like a few days before I move into my dorm he texts me and is like "are you at ASU yet????" and I was like "noooooo" and so he said "well text me when you do" and so i did but he didn't text back which was weird but i was like okay whatever. So then I met up with this other girl I met on Facebook, and she knew Phil too so he came over to see her and when he saw me he like BARELY said anything to me. I was seriously like WTF?!?!?!?! I am really kind of confused. B/c then all of us went to iHop and STILL he like wasn't talking to me or ANYTHING. I'm really confused b/c before he was all like "oh yeah we're going to go gay clubbing and stuff" and now hes like quiet around me... I just dont get it. And then there was this gay club meeting we both went to which turned out to be really lame but anyways he like barely spoke to me there but then after it was over and we both went back to our dorms and were on facebook he has the nerve to message me and ask me what I thought about it. I was really angry and asked him why he like doesn't talk to me in person and he just said that he was shy when first meets ppl, but I'm like whatever. Really I don't know what to do. He's really cute, but like I said shy I guess, and he knows a lot more gays here at ASU. I barely know any, and really I want to be in a relationship now that I'm out of my parents' house. I don't know what to do. Everyone else I asked says that they think he at least liked me or something at some point. Maybe I'm just uglier in person? I don't know what to do........... Thanks, sorry I know its really long and theres a bunch of tyops LOL but anyways thanks and 10 points to best answer! %26lt;3Question about a guy? Mixed signals? IDK?! Help pleaseeeeeeeee...?
Long question X_X. In my mind I see two options. One he is pulling your leg or two he is as he said "shy".

I see him pulling your leg in the fact he is into to you completely and then back out, he could repeat the process which could be emotionally painful for you, if you think this could be the reason I suggest leaving him.

However on the other hand he could be decent and just very shy. It is much easier to talk someone with technology then face to face. You would need to either initiate the interaction between the two of you, or you're going to have to play the waiting game, see how things unfold.
Hahahaha, you type like people talk, in long run on sentences.

Blah blah blah blah blah, but Ok, I'm like, whatever. So, blah blah blah


He sounds like he's shy to me, anyway. Talk to him!

Question about a guy? Mixed signals? IDK?! Help pleaseeeeeeeee...?
waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long.
go up to him slap him and be like hey trick whats your problem but seriously just go up to him one gay and talk to him and see if he talks to you if he does then ask him why hes been quiet like hes avoiding you lately and go from there,Question about a guy? Mixed signals? IDK?! Help pleaseeeeeeeee...?
You could tell him to try to be more open and talk-a-tive around you. I can understand why he is so quiet. People feel more open when they aren't meeting face to face, people feel more secure that they can't see how the other person reacts to them. Where as when you are face to face a person can feel as though they are being judged and that person can see the other's reaction good/bad. Just tell him that you want to have a relationship, a serious one as in LOVE, and if he says he can't or no then just leave it as it is and go for another guy. If he says yes or that he'll try that's good. But if after a long time you see no change then you should move on. It's not your looks because if it is and you have a great personality he isn't worth it. It was a nice long story too. :3
mkay well i think firstly you need to say to yourself and i quote from aniais nin, "How wrong it is for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself?" you don't need a man. so don't ever feel desperate.. even though it is impossible not to. that quote just reassures me that i can be fine on my own. and PLEASE dont go moving in with him like after 3 months if you do get with him. ugh! that never seems to work out. but i think he may like you. he probably is just shy. ask him about it in person. but don't come off as bitchy or whiney or complainy or whatever. I hope it all goes good for you!!!
If he's worth pursuing, then go for it. What'd ya got to lose. If he's still is acting weird and stuff, just forget him and move on, it'll be his loss. Good Luck!!
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