Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why would he prank call, could he be my real dad?

So, I got a call on my cell-at midnight-on my 16th birthday from a man claiming to be my real dad wanting to wish me a happy birthday. Never told me his name, but said "ask your mother about me". I immediately ran to ask her but she seemed to brush it off and sent me straight to bed when I asked her. I threatened a paternity test to which she replied "don't even think about it!" I do not have the money for a paternity test, nor do I still have the number.

I live in Florida, the number was from Hawaii (I looked up the area code the next day). My godmother was Hawaiian but I haven't seen or heard from her since I was a baby. I don't know her last name and my mom won't tell me.

P.S. I don't look like either of my parents, but it seems like a lot of trouble to find a cell phone number and date of birth to make a prank call at midnight. I'm now 21 and I haven't heard from him since.Why would he prank call, could he be my real dad?

Your mom is being desperately unfair to you by not 'fessing up, if there is someting to confess to. It sounds to me that there is, at the very least, some doubt about your paternity. If your mom had something to hide, she might have reacted differently. Or she might have found the whole situation so stupid and bothersome (because it is untrue) that she just shut you up..

Don't forget that it MIGHT be a jilted boyfriend who has no chance of being your father, but maybe came somewhat close and fancies himself your father.

If you have questions, do the paternity test someday. But what does it really change? Did you have a father who loved you? then that is your real dad.

This guy who called, assuming he is your real sperm doner, is a real piece of work. If he did want to be involved in your life, he could have called back. What he did was an act of cruelty, disrespect, and immaturity. He knew that would unsettle your life. Why did he do that, just the one time? You're an adult now and if you meant anything to him, he would have found you again. These days it is not hard.

Whoever he is, he doesn't care about you. He just wanted to plant a seed of unhappiness and doubt in your life -- abuot your IDENTITY. What a jackass.

I wish you peace.
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